Prep like a pro. All the best tool for Exam Day success. Everything from our Advantage Package, PLUS all of the following items:
- Becker's best-in-class printed Textbooks $500 value
- LiveOnline CPA Exam classes
- Access to a CPA Exam Coach, to help you tackle your prep
Features firms choose for CPA Exam prep, including five one-on-one tutoring sessions. Printed flashcards for your on-the-go-study. Maximize your comprehension during the final weeks before your exam with Becker’s Final Review course. Get extra practice with a bonus bank of 900+ multiple choice questions. Live in-person CPA Exam classes. Bonus: A one-year subscription to Becker CPE.
Unlimited access to your Becker CPA Exam material for as long as you need. Get motivated and stay on track with Becker’s Success Coaches. Learn in a class setting with access to Live Online CPA Exam classes. Plus, get printed textbooks, written by Becker experts, complete with graphics and diagrams for visual learners – they’re encyclopedia of CPA Exam materials.
Comprehensive and always up-to-date coverage of the CPA Exam with Becker’s complete four-part blueprint-matching course. Learn the exam concepts with Becker’s Exam Day Ready SM toolkit, including 190 hours bite-sized video lectures, led by Becker’s CPA Exam experts. Practice with over 7,000 multiple choice questions and 400+ task-based simulation questions that include exclusive SkillBuilder video solution videos. Then challenge yourself under exam-like conditions with 8 full Simulated Exams and 12 exclusive Mini Exams, as well as unlimited, customizable practice tests. Plus get digital textbooks and 1250 digital flashcards, mobile app., award winning exam study game.